Face to face (CAPI/PAPI)
L'enquête face à face est employée pour les études complexes, avec des questionnaires longs ou lorsqu'il est nécessaire de présenter un matériel (piste pack, produit, communication...).
We use three different approaches :
At home:
The interviewer visits the respondent's home either by appointment or by going door-to-door. Through our fieldwork partner we have access to a network of 400 interviewers all over France.
On site:
Individuals are either recruited in the street or by telephone and are invited to come into a studio to answer the questionnaire. We have access to studios in Paris, Lyon and Nantes.
Mall intercept:
This approach is mostly used to interview users of particular places and/or services (train stations, shopping centers, department stores, trade fairs...). Our interviewers use Tablet PCs in order to recruit and interview respondents. The questionnaire is accessed with the Tablet PC via internet using a GPRS connection. The data is stored in our server and the results can be consulted in real time via our client interface on the web.